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All roads lead to St George’s!

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Well-known Bermudian singer Wanda Raynor-Willis waves her St George’s flag when the match was hosted in the east end in 2009. Wanda is the daughter of former St George’s Cup Match player Eldon Raynor.

Cup Match planning for the 2011 event started right after the last one finished, said St George’s Cricket Club president Neil Paynter. And every year both clubs, St George’s and Somerset Cricket Club, get together and have a post mortem to find out what went well and also what could be improved.“We start planning for the next Cup Match right after the last one (at the ground) ends so it is a two-year process,” said Mr Paynter. “But things really start rolling in January prior to the Cup Match event being held in St George’s. Both Somerset and St George’s meet to discuss what worked and what didn’t work. We are always trying to improve both clubs. We have three additional meetings leading up to the event we are constantly meeting leading up to Cup Match. We want to know what we can do to improve the event.”While years ago those who wanted a booth at the ground would rent a space and then build their shelter, things are much more streamlined now and also hassle free.“Work has been going at the ground for some time,” said Mr Paynter. “We have a company, Kaissa Ltd which are sponsored by HSBC, and they put up the booths and then we rent them out to the general public and also to corporate clients. Back in the day you would build your own (booth). We would rent you the plot and then you and your friends would come and build it yourself. Not so now. Today you just pay your rental fee, come to the game, sit down and enjoy yourself and then leave. It is hassle free. All you have to do is enjoy yourself. And the booths are in high demand, higher each year.”And Mr Paynter said tourists are encouraged to come to Cup Match even though most, especially those from the United States, know nothing about cricket.“We have a Tourism Booth where they can come and sit down and enjoy the game while it is explained to them. The booth is right next to the club by the HSBC stand. Cricket can be a difficult game to understand if you have never seen it before and that is why we have people who will sit with the visitors and explain it to them. We want them to enjoy themselves. We want them to have a wonderful time.”While the competition between Somerset and St George’s is fierce over Cup Match, the clubs have a good working relationship. “We have a very cordial relationship with Somerset but we also have a great rivalry,” said Mr Paynter who has been president of the East End club for a decade. “I really love it,” he said of his position.All the contracts for the popular Crown & Anchor tables have been signed as have all the contracts for the food vendors. And don’t think about bringing in your own alcohol. The club will take charge of that.Groundsman Clayton Raynor will be setting up the wicket and “he will consult with the captain, coach and chairman of the selectors”.The one other thing Mr Paynter will be hoping for is a breeze particularly a “nice easterly breeze to keep everyone cool”.HSBC Bermuda will again be the lead sponsor of the Cup Match Classic.HSBC Bermuda CEO, Philip Butterfield, said: “HSBC Bermuda is once again honoured to be given the opportunity to be involved in such a large community event. Cup Match is one of the most anticipated holidays of the year and we are committed to sponsoring events that are uniquely Bermudian. No matter what colours we wear, we unite with the common goal of celebrating our heritage, our culture and everything that defines us as a community.”Mr Paynter added: “On behalf of the St. George’s Cricket Club, we sincerely thank HSBC Bermuda for their continued support of this community event and we are thrilled with their commitment to Cup Match.”HSBC Bermuda is also sponsoring Fresh Creations’ coverage of the event. “It is important for everyone to be given the opportunity to experience the spirit of Cup Match, no matter where we are in the world,” said Elmore Warren of Fresh Creations.Mr Warren said that Fresh Creations will have seven cameras covering the event. They also did the 2009 Cup Match in St George’s and have covered the World Rugby Classic among other events.Mr Warren said: “This will be our second year covering Cup Match. We will have it on from start to finish. We hope to have seven cameras and we have invested in balanced cameras. For the first time people are going to see what a high level video image can look like it will make a big difference. We will have bigger lenses. Our goal this year is to get people closer to the cricket and we hope to have Randy Horton and Charles Richardson commentating. They really know their stuff and the history.”Mr Warren said that cricket and especially Cup Match was different than many other sports. “With cricket you have so much to cover you could have 14 cameras on cricket. But we will also be looking to roam around get more into the fans. We want to focus on them as well as the cricket. We want total inclusion. We want to show not only what is on the field but also what is going on around it.”Two years ago Fresh had many, many emails from fans overseas who were very happy with the coverage. “We want to expand on that reconnect with people who sent us all these emails from overseas. There were loads of people watching it. We want to bring them in again this year.” And Mr Warren said there might be the possibility of Bermuda having its first High Definition broadcast at Cup Match. “My truck is HD we may be able to do Bermuda’s first HD broadcast on cable. That is our goal.”HSBC Bermuda staff volunteers will also be distributing free car flags in team colours at the main car parks in Hamilton on Monday July, 25. Free snowballs in the team colours will be served at all branch locations on July 26 and 27 and past and present cricket players will be in Harbourview Centre to meet and greet clients.

Neil Paynter