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Our readers have their say

Many stories on The Royal Gazette’s website were inundated with comments this week. Here are a selection:Minister urges Belco to lower prices, May 9.Allen G:I actually have to disagree. After comparing BELCO's prices to other island jurisdictions like Bahamas, Turks and Caicos, even BVI they are not to far off with the kilowatt charged per hour. Yes Belco has a monopoly, but if folks simply learn to conserve their energy use at home, they'll save almost 40% of their energy bill. If we get serious like Barbados and maximise solar energy and build government buildings that are energy efficient ... the taxpayer wouldn't be paying so much. Sidebar: SAGE energy audit all schools and government buildings, you'll create jobs and identify thousands of dollars that came be saved in energy costs monthly! THE ENDI’m Just Sayin’:Of course Belco is a problem. In my business income is off by almost 50%, and I have to struggle. If I had Belco shares I would still be receiving a dividend or around 7% (now, this does depend). SO shareholders have not had to take a hit here. Power is killing small businesses; that and the fact that our banks (well, not our banks anymore) are not lending money.Shareholder and taxpayer:Whilst I can accept what Richards is saying, I'll only agree to this dictatorial demand if and only if fuel tax, land tax and oversized civil service (including their guaranteed salaries, insurances and pensions) are reduced. Many people rely on these profits so they can pay their bills.But then again you could just do to the company just as the PLP did to the cement company.Bermudian Overseas:Nationalise it.Mister Wolf:Nationalise it.LOLYea, because Governments worldwide are far more efficient that private enterprise.You think rates are high now!!!???Bob is right but so is Grant. It is what is known as a conundrum. The only way out of this particular conundrum is to get a national energy plan in place and seek alternative energy sources. This is not something Bermuda can "play with". It is pointless setting up alternative energy programs without considering all of the implications, for decades to come.Dee Tee:I agree. A lot of households can not even afford to have electricity in their homes. BELCO wants us the general public to keep their (shareholders) pockets hefty.Eliza:At some point every country that is addicted to oil will undergo traumatic withdrawal when oil becomes too scarce and too expensive. We urgently need alternatives that are sustainable. Right now the best thing is to use this resource to create those technologies rather than wait until it runs out. It will run out. Oil has been available to us for only 150 years and it is a resource to which there is a bottom. It was created millions of years ago and it will take another few million years to re-create. New oil sources are either inaccessible, more expensive or environmentally destructive. I don't see investors letting go of what could be their last opportunity to make big bucks from the one energy resource that everything is structured upon. Prepare for a future without oil. That needs to be our focus.NYC Mayor endorses Bermuda Government at cruise ship ceremony, May 9nutley:This is a time for Bermuda to show the rest of the world that they are one of the islands that tourists would love to flock to, full of welcoming and friendly people, where they can expect service with a smile, and worry free dependable, and reliable transportation around the island as needed. Hopefully this will be the start of reclaiming and increasing the number of tourists that bda so badly needs, and will once again, like the old day's be the place that visitor's want to come to, word of mouth is one of the greatest forms of advertisement and doesn't cost a thing.!!.flikel:Let's not forget, the PLP government should be credited with landing this new ship ... not the OBA.This was secured under the PLP watch, well before the election.If the PLP government was so bad and this OBA governments is like 'night and day' then how was the PLP government able to secure this new, innovative ship?Mr. Sparkle:Hear Hear!!! A firm vote of confidence that Bermuda is open for business again — we need more of this promotion that things are different and we are friendly to international business again. Thank you Mayor Bloomberg..HOFFHACK:Having just sailed to Bermuda on April 16th, on the MSC Poesia, and having had to endure a precarious tender ride ashore the first day, I have to laugh at someone saying that the PLP arranged for the Breakaway (a 4000+ passenger Behemoth, the Poesia had about 2,500) it will be interesting to watch how the infrastructure handles the crush of people (which the PLP did not seem to care about, or they would have had the thruster wall repaired in plenty of time) It is going to have to be "ALL HANDS ON DECK" to handle that crowd, better get the Bermudian (the most reliable ferry on the Islands) and anything else that can carry passengers ready, and I would have some special buses running into Hamilton as well (maybe St. Georges too!!!) I saw the work going great guns on Heritage Wharf (despite former PLP henchmen trying to sabotage everything)........Now the big question is:1) Will the buses stay running, or will a job action be scheduled????2) Will the ferries be running, or will they mysteriously "Break down???"3) Will the Taxi drivers be working, or will they try and black mail us by pulling a job action???OR:Will you all pull together, and Ask not what Bermuda can do for you, but What you can do for Bermuda!!City strides towards a Walkway of Fame, May 10Comment is Free:Wouldn't it be better if the Corporation and the Government spent some of what little money we have left on helping some of the other emblems we already have on the streets — rummies and homeless people sleeping on pavements — OFF the streets and into more humane and productive surroundings?micmat:Financial considerations aside it does pose a question or two. If you honour those who have TRULY made a great contribution to Bermuda you need a lot less sidewalk then they have put aside. If you honour all the Legends In Their Own Minds then you would probably have to build another city. You can start it on Overrated Avenue and let it wind it's way down to Nothingnarian Boulevard.Sky Larkin:This has got to be a joke article !!! You cannot be serious ... Mr. Acting Editor, can you confirm that you guys just got the date wrong and it's NOT really April Fools Day! I thought the corporation had found the bottom of the barrel for intellect ... now I know they just broke through that rotten bottom ... Fahy, get your butt moving ... PLEASE before we become the joke of the civilised worldJack from Smiths:Couldn't we use the funds to pave some of our roads instead? We don't need a "Walk of Honour" and if we did we would surely put it in a place where more people would see it like Reid Street!