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BF&M shares soar

BF&M saw its share price jump nearly eight percent on The Royal Gazette/Bermuda Stock Exchange (BSX) yesterday.

The insurance company closed the day at $22, up $1.6, after 41,115 shares were traded.

Meanwhile KeyTech Ltd. saw its share price fall by 95 cents, or 6.5 percent, after 1,815 shares swapped hands. It closed at $13.55.

And Argus Group Holdings Ltd. saw its share price slip five cents, it closed at $15.5 after 220 shares were traded.

The Index as a whole slipped by 1.17 points to close at 4,996.8 after $108,148.75 worth of shares were traded.

The BSX Insurance Index, meanwhile, edged up 1.8 percent to 1,093.16.