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Business Bermuda seminars close with networking

Summer Seminars: Students learning the value of networking skill sat the final College Student Networking Evening hosted by Business Bermuda.

Bermuda students who took part in this year’s College Student Networking Event (CSNE) hosted by Business Bermuda are now more prepared for landing a job in the real world.The seminar series, now in its 14th year, was declared a huge success by the organisers.The CSNE, which aims to give students the tools they need to successfully navigate the complicated world of professional networking, held seminars on resume writing, interview techniques and wrapped up yesterday with networking skills.The final seminar, presented by Jenny Smatt Adkins of Ontru Ltd focused on providing advice on how, when and why students should network. Their skills will be put to good use at Business Bermuda’s Networking Reception on August 8.“The networking skills seminar focused on the discipline of making connections and building relationships. In today’s challenging and competitive job market, networking is not only key to securing employment; it is essential for learning and growth throughout one’s career. Students were eager to learn and apply tips on how to identify, develop, and leverage their network to maximise their success,” Ms Smatt Adkins said.“One of the exciting aspects of networking and making connections is that you never know where your next conversation will take you or which door it may open. It is about people at all phases in their career engaging with and supporting one another in a positive way to enable success,” she added.“I am always optimistic about Bermuda’s future after spending time with the college students every year, and this year is no exception,” said Clifton Webb, chairman of Business Bermuda’s Local Awareness Committee. “Dedicated, talented students came out week after week to build their repertoire of skills in order to propel successfully toward their career goals.”All students who attended the seminars should expect an invitation to the August 8 Networking Reception via e-mail.