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Mental health tips

The first thing we are all required to do is realise that we need to promote and maintain our health whether mental or physical.

This applies to everyone and not only those who have a mental disorder.

Mental illness can strike anyone but there are precautions we can take to weaken the likelihood. Some of the steps or activities recommended by authorities who have worked on well being and happiness include:

Looking after your body. Ensure that you eat well balanced and nutritious food, have adequate sleep (at least six to eight hours a night) and exercise adequately and regularly.

Develop a social network of family and friends who provide affection, protection and respond to your needs. Spend time and energy with your family and friends.

Engage in a range of recreational and relaxation activities.

Learn to manage stress and solve problems.

Avoid drugs and substances of dependence as much as possible.

Learn to savour the joys of life and nature.

Learn to forgive.

Be kind randomly and systematically.

Count your blessings.

Plan your life /work and execute that plan.

Many of us will need help and assistance from friends and family and some of us may need to seek professional help to obtain these skills. As a community we need to ensure that we make these available to both young and old.