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What’s your passion?

Photo by Anthony WadeLynne Wade is a certified passion test facilitator, who is looking to help other people tap into their passions so they can live a happier, more fulfilled life. She will be a hosting a workshop at Bermuda College, this Thursday from 6pm until 9pm.

These days it seems like waking up and starting each day at a job you’re truly excited about is more of a pipe dream than a reality for people.Many of us have had to put our passions on the back burner, so we can pay the bills and mortgage or get the children through school.But it doesn’t have to be this way, suggests Lynne Wade, a Certified Passion Test Facilitator.Through her new business Purpose & Passions, Mrs Wade wants to help people identify what they are most passionate about and show them how to align their life with those passions to experience more joy and fulfillment.She will be hosting the “Discover Your Passions Workshop” on Thursday in Bermuda College’s Hallett Hall, Room H270, from 6-9pm.At the session attendees will take a ‘Passion Test’ to identify their top five passions and then learn how they can incorporate those into their everyday life.Mrs Wade said: “It’s a fun process to go through. It’s thought provoking and so far I have received nothing but positive feedback from my clients.”The test is even more important during these challenging economic times, she said, and could help those who are unemployed find a new career path or tap into an old skill like sewing or cooking that could generate additional income.It can also be useful for young people before college, when trying to determine a future career.She said she knew of instances when young people would make the smart choice by studying business or law, when their heart really lies in another subject.“We have to enjoy what we are doing,” Mrs Wade said. “If we do what’s in our hearts we are doing what God wants us to do and fulfilling our purpose.“It’s not work if you are living your passion and getting paid for it,” she said.“There’s nothing worse than doing something we don’t like or don’t enjoy. It becomes a burden.“Sometimes we have to do things we don’t want to be successful, but ultimately we want to live a passionate life that is fulfilling.”Mrs Wade led a rewarding career teaching math for 15 years, but recently decided she wanted to help people with more than just math work and focus on “the whole person”.She went online in March, 2012, and googled the word ‘passion’ — what popped up was information on the passion test.The principles of the test are described in a book, co-authored by Janet Bray Attwood and Chris Attwood, which coincidentally she was given years early, but hadn’t finished reading.Six months later, Mrs Wade ventured to New Jersey to become qualified as a Passion Test Facilitator, trained personally by Mrs Bray Attwood, as well as Master Trainers Cheryl Burget and CeCe Homer. She described the training and “one of the best experiences in my life”.“When I was taking the test and being instructed there was no barriers as to what you could be passionate about, none whatsoever and I got to really think about what I would enjoy if time and money weren’t a factor, before coming up with my top five passions.“What I learned is it’s so easy to do something that you have always done and that’s why learning to live your passion takes effort and you have to be consistent with it.”Since founding her business, she has been able to coach people through one-on-one sessions, home parties and a variety of corporate and school workshops.In addition to the test, she also helps participants create a vision board with pictures from magazines to help them visualise the life they want.She believes her services are worth every penny because they point people towards a brighter future.“They get so much out of it and so many things are revealed to them about themselves that they didn’t know.“It helps you to take action because we can say we want to do this or that, but you may not know how to get there. Going through this process helps you.”In one of her recent workshops one woman realised how much she loved leading summer camps for children and said the passion test reignited her interest in that.She is currently pursuing a job in that field — and Mrs Wade said it was rewarding seeing people benefit from her work.She encourages those looking for more information to e-mail info@purposeandpassions.com or call 599-1232.Discover Your Passions Workshop’ tickets are $50 and available at www.bdatix.bm.Useful website: www.purposeandpassions.com