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Regional championships numbers are on the rise again

So the big day is finally here. Tonight at the Fairmont Southampton the 2014 Bermuda Regional gets under way with the traditional opening event, the Charity Pairs, the proceeds from which are donated to a Bermuda charity.

This is the probably the only event at the tournament that can be classed as ‘mildly non-competitive’ as quite a few husband-wife and non regular partnerships get together. On Sunday the two session Swiss Teams kicks of things in earnest and three more double session championship events test the physical and mental stamina of even the hardiest players. Running alongside all of this in the afternoons is the Knockout Teams and if that isn’t enough there are side games and morning teams events all week.

There are expert sessions and panel shows at noon on Monday through Thursday and it all wraps up with the closing prizegiving and banquet on the Friday evening. Overseeing it all will be chairperson Katrina Van Pelt and her committee with chief tournament director Sol Weinstein and his team, bulletin editor Janet Evans and all the staff at the Fairmont adding the essential pieces that make the event tick.

The 2014 event promises to be very well attended with bookings at the hotel far surpassing those of recent years. As I wrote last week, a continuation of this growth could see the event get back to the numbers we used to get back in the 1970s and 80s, an exciting prospect not only for the bridge players but for our winter tourism.

In deciding on this week’s hand I took into account the fact that the big event is around the corner and you don’t want something complicated that will clutter your mind. So what I thought would be good was to give you a simple hand, but one which will alert you of the need to keep thinking, especially if things look to easy. Keep that in mind throughout the week and it will serve you well, I guarantee that.

Both Vul, Dealer South

(Spades / Hearts / Diamonds / Clubs)

North: 875 / 32 / 965 / AKQ64

East: KQ9 / Q1064 / 432 / J85

South: AJ2 / AK5 / A87 / 10973

West: 10643 / J987 / KQJ10 / 2

The bidding was simple. South opened 1NT and North raised to 3NT — West led the diamond King. Declarer won, loved the contract which looked like nine top tricks and played a low club to the queen. One down. Can you see why? The suit is blocked.

Declarer clearly did not think. Declarer must not only not block the suit but must also cater for West having four clubs to the Jack. So, play the seven of clubs to the Queen and when both opponents follow cash dummy’s high clubs throwing the 10 and the nine and the contract now makes. If East had shown out on the first round of clubs, declarer comes back to hand with a heart and plays the 10 of clubs and West is helpless ... again, contract made.

I know it is a lot to ask that you think about things, but that is what is needed when you are playing an intellectual non-contact game.

Happy hunting at the Regional.

<p>Bridge results</p>

The latest bridge results:

January 13 (afternoon)


1 Wendy & Richard Gray

2 Russ Craft-Julia Beach

3 Charlie Gambrill-Reid Young


1 Diana Diel-Judy Bussell

2 Annabelle Mann-Nea Willitts

3 Jean Johnson-Dorry Lusher



1 Lynanne Bolton-Marg Way

2 Jean Johnson-Tony Saunders

3 Alan Douglas-Jack Rhind


1 Joe Wakefield-Charles Hall

2 Gertie Barker-Jane Smith

3 Julia Lunn-Lyn O’Neill

January 14


1 Louise Payne-Marion Ezedinma

2/3 Jaime & Marsha Fraser

2/3 Peter & Susan Adhemar


1 Mary Leigh Burnet-Elizabeth Coulfield

2 Wilena White-Willi Christensen

3 Margaret Kirk-Pat Mayer

January 15


1 Wendy & Richard Gray

2 Greta Marshall-Judy Bussell

3 Jane Smith-Gertie Barker


1 Jean Johnson-Diana Diel

2 Judy Patton-Linda Abend

3 Elysa Burland-Marilynn Simmons

January 16


1 Dianna Kempe-Danielle Cloutier

2 Marsha Fraser-George Correia


1/2 Martha Ferguson-Stephen Smith

1/2 Charles Pearman-Ernest Paynter

January 19

1 Jean Johnson-Lyn O’Neill

2 Greta Marshall-Elysa Burland