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Bermuda Shorts

Children at School House Nursery gave $315 to asthma awareness group Open Airways founder Liz Boden.
Hospital fundraisers the Bermuda Health Alliance are winding down after fulfilling their mission.Chairperson Jane Spurling said the charity was set up in 1996 to raise money for the new wing which was built in 1998.She said some corporate donors had continued to donate yearly and around $6 million had been raised over the years.

Hospital fundraisers the Bermuda Health Alliance are winding down after fulfilling their mission.

Chairperson Jane Spurling said the charity was set up in 1996 to raise money for the new wing which was built in 1998.

She said some corporate donors had continued to donate yearly and around $6 million had been raised over the years.

During liquidation a remaining $75,000 will be split between four member charities - the Bermuda Diabetes Association, the Bermuda Heart Foundation, the Bermuda Hospitals Board and the Residents Family Council for the Continuing Care Unit.

Mrs. Spurling said the Bermuda Hospitals Charitable Trust continues to raise money for health care.

British Airways seat sale

British Airways is offering two seat sales with cut-price deals to Britain as well as all over the world until March 13.

Fares to London and Manchester are $519 with prices for 38 cities in Europe at $787. Prices to Cairo and Dubai are $900 while Hong Kong is $1,141.

Tickets must be bought by January 14, 2005. BA is also offering Sunday flights to Britain at $464 until March 13.

Help for children with asthma

The Parents and Children from School House Nursery School in Devonshire held a Christmas Fair recently and raised funds for $315 for Open Airways to help children with asthma.

The children are encouraged to think of others at Christmas and chose Open Airways as it is a small charity helping a large number of people of all ages but particularly children, said Open Airways' Liz Boden.

Age Concern receives cash boost

Seniors organisation Age Concern received a cash boost from Tourism Minister Ewart Brown yesterday as part of the proceeds of Bermuda Music Festival VIP tickets.

At a Press conference yesterday Dr. Brown presented Age Concern president Claudette Fleming with a $8,625 cheque - the proceeds of 78 VIP tickets.

The tickets were premium front row seats at a cost of $125 each.

“As I have said in the past, it is very gratifying when this Government can assist the charitable organisations within our community, and we support Age Concern and the valuable contribution that they make to our seniors,” said Dr. Brown.

Dr. Brown also announced that next year's line-up of performers at the Bermuda Music Festival would be bigger and better than ever. He could not reveal any details but the public was promised a “surprise”.

Owing to bad weather, which has rained out the past two festivals, Dr. Brown said a large tent at an alternative site would be set up next year to ensure the performances went ahead as scheduled.