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Let's talk about sex forum opens on website

Islanders are being invited to ask anything they want to know about sex by a charity that aims to provide a forum for frank discussions about safety between the sheets.

Bermudians should feel free to Ask Andrea Anything on the new bulletin board of the same name on the Alan Vincent Smith Foundation's website, said executive director Michael Fox.

Click on the link and web surfers get are invited in bold letters: "Let's talk about sex, baby."

Before the user can get down to asking any questions, they are introduced to Andrea, an anonymous health professional who has volunteered her time and expertise to provide the service.

The website says: "There is no venue in this sexually-repressed island for people to get real answers to real questions, but I am not here to promote promiscuity or unsafe sex."

Andrea continues: "We know how things really are on this Island. I mean, we're all `doin' it' - but there are some things we certainly won't be asking our friends...for fear of looking stupid or uninformed." Mr. Fox said: "There is not enough discussion about HIV and AIDS in Bermuda and there is really not enough open discussion about sex."

He continued: "This notice board is just to provide a forum for people who want to speak openly and ask questions."

Mr. Fox said the website was not meant to offend anyone and added: "Its purely for educational purposes while at the same time providing a humourous approach to talking about the subject.

"I think we are very closeted when it comes to talking about private things. People shouldn't be embarrassed to talk about sex though. It's a normal and natural part of life and love."