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Women in the spotlight

WOMEN in sport will be the main agenda when the Department of Youth and Sport host the 23rd Annual Sports Conference on February 17 at the Bermuda College.The keynote address will be given by Karin Lofstrom, executive director of the Canadian Association for the Advancement of Women in Sports (CAAWS) and her presentation will deal with the development of women in the sporting arena.

Sports Minister Randy Horton will also provide a synopsis of his sport observations over the past year and his vision for 2007.

And the Council for Drug Free Sports will make a presentation — ‘How Do You Measure Up?’

The Director of Youth and Sport, Norbert Simons, will share the department’s new website layout and he will also provide information on the grant process and what the department expect from the national sports governing bodies.

Representatives from the numerous sporting bodies in Bermuda as well as PE teachers and any other people interested in attending the conference will have to register at the department’s offices at 40 Church Street by the end of today.

Simons said: “Once again this year we are specifically requesting that at least presidents and secretaries attend the conference along with one other executive or member so that we will have in attendance, representatives who are able to represent the positions of their bodies, and contribute to the discussions without having to seek further direction. Once again this year, we are also extending invitations to sports clubs throughout the island.”

The registration fee is $30 per person.