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WPc. points finger at superior for sex assault

A former Police constable accused a superior officer of sexual assault yesterday in Magistrates' Court.

She said the accused, a veteran policeman, wanted to be her "sugar daddy" and said he would leave his wife for her, despite previously forcing himself on her multiple times.

The accused, who cannot be named for legal reasons, is charged with sexually assaulting the complainant a number of times between June 12 and November 30 last year.

The complainant, who now lives abroad, told Acting Senior Magistrate Carlisle Greaves that the reason she had not come forward sooner was "because complaints of this nature from other Police women, (to) my knowledge, nothing ever came about".

She added: "I didn't report it from the beginning because I was scared. I was fearful - I had a good relationship with his wife.

"And on all the occasions he kept telling me he would stop. I was trying to believe in his word. I suppressed it, hoping it would just go away," she said.

She told the court that the accused was her direct and only supervisor.

The complainant told Principal Crown counsel Dorien Taylor about the most "vivid" assault, when the accused put her on the kitchen counter at her Southampton-apartment and tried to have intercourse last year.

She said only moments before the alleged assault, the pair were on patrol in a Police car when she casually mentioned that a knob on her dresser had fallen off.

The accused took her home and repaired the dresser in her bedroom, she said.

But when they were about to leave, he asked for a hug and a kiss.

She said she told the man "I don't want to hug or kiss you" and asked him to leave and the pair walked into the kitchen.

But the accused turned around and asked for a hug and kiss again.

With her back against the kitchen counter, the accused allegedly approached her and put his hands on either side of her.

He pressed against her and forced her head to the side with one hand, then sexually assaulted her despite her efforts at fending him off.

The woman said she asked him to stop because he was hurting her, but he picked her up and set her on the edge of the counter.

He then attempted to rape her, she said, but he ejaculated on her skirt.

"I was trying to fight him off and then he just stopped - completely," she told the court.

He apologised to her and the pair rode back to the Police station.

The complainant said in another incident, her superior officer pulled out his penis while driving the car on patrol and asked her about it's size.

Defence lawyer Richard Hector is set to cross-examine the complainant this morning.