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Premier rallies his party as election looms

Power to the people: Premier Ewart Brown led colleagues in a chant of 'PLP all the way, all the way PLP!' at the opening of the annual conference.

Premier Ewart Brown set the scene for a General Election — but stopped short of actually calling one — during a rousing speech to the PLP faithful last night.

Opening the annual delegates' conference, Dr. Brown outlined what he sees as Government's key achievements since it came to power in 1998 and fired a shot across the bows of his detractors.

"Let none dissuade you by their false assertions and untruths. Let none dissuade you by their questioning our integrity or impugning our motives — the Progressive Labour Party still represents the best and brightest hope for our country, our people and our future," he said.

Among the announcements made in the speech, which was punctuated by several standing ovations from the 100-strong audience at the Berkeley Institute were:

Urgent care centres will be built in the East and West ends to bolster emergency medical aid provided at King Edward VII Memorial Hospital. "Plans are well underway for the first to be built and opened in 2008," said Dr. Brown. Speaking afterwards, he told that sites have been earmarked at Southside and Southampton. "It's just the right thing to do. In 2007, if a housewife cuts her finger in Dockyard, she shouldn't have to drive to Paget to get it stitched," he said.

The prison population is currently at its lowest level in a decade. Dr. Brown listed the occupancy rate at Westgate as 85 percent, the Farm as 56 percent and Co-Ed as 34 percent. "We believe that this is due to the progressive policies of the PLP Government such as the Alternatives to Incarceration programme. Our philosophy is that it is not only less expensive to develop human potential outside of prison, but it's the right thing to do," he told the conference.

War veterans who were promised new and extended pension benefits six months ago, will all have their first cheques by this time next week.

Government has come in for criticism from some seniors, who blasted the delay — blamed on red tape — between the announcement and the payments coming to fruition. "At the time we passed the legislation, 26 veterans were receiving benefits.

"As of today, there are 112 receiving benefits, and 29 in process for a total of 141. By month's end, they will all receive their pension checks back-dated to April 1," pledged the Premier.

Pundits have been speculating about the timing of the forthcoming General Election for months, although one doesn't have to be called until next summer. However, in a clear signal that a poll is in the pipeline sooner than that, Dr. Brown urged party members not to be deceived by the calm before the storm and warned them to expect a dirty fight.

"Get ready to hear the noise that I have warned you about before. Prepare for the hysteria that Dame Jennifer (Smith) warned us about.

"Get ready to hear the lies, the unfounded rumours, the gossip, the malicious maligning of your leadership. They are going to come at us fast and furious," he said.

However, he expressed certainty that the PLP will beat the Opposition United Bermuda Party come polling day.

"They will still lose, because they do not deserve to be your Government — they do not even know you.

"They just want to control you and the prize you possess whose name is Bermuda," he said — sparking a standing ovation and whoops of support from the assembled MPs, party officials and future candidates.