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'St. David's is not a dumping ground' UBP's Environment spokesman Cole Simons condemns lack of consultation

The Shadow Environment Minister yesterday accused Government of a lack of respect for the people of St. David's by issuing a Special Development Order on their doorstep.

Cole Simons said the granting of an SDO for the Harbour View Village was "the latest example of the Brown Government's habitual abuse of the planning system and the rights of people to object".

As reported in yesterday's The Royal Gazette, Government has granted the SDO for the 106-condominium complex without a previous planning application. The multi-storey affordable housing development — for the Bermuda Housing Corporation, borders Southside Road and St. David's Road, and consists of seven buildings surrounded by open spaces, play areas and a pedestrian right of way.

It was classified as in the 'national interest' because it would house 98 winners of an affordable housing lottery. They have been waiting more than two years.

But Mr. Simons questioned Government's authority to issue an SDO in the period leading up to the general election, when it effectively has 'caretaker' status.

He also criticised the lack of consultation with the people of St. David's.

Mr. Simons said: "The people of St. David's deserve to be included in any development that significantly affects their community.

"The granting of a Special Development Order by the PLP Government yesterday to build a multi-storey housing complex at the entry to St. David's completely bypasses local residents who might have some views on the development.

"This is the latest example of the Brown Government's habitual abuse of the Planning system and the rights of people to object.

"The announcement of the 106-unit development reminds us that the Government operates with one set of rules for itself and one set of rules for all others.

"At the very least it should have presented the people of St. David's with drawings that provide them with some indication of what is going to happen to their community.

"Our concern is not about the merits of affordable housing, but the lack of consultation with a community that will be affected.

"The handling of this issue typifies a major difference between the United Bermuda Party and the PLP. We believe in consulting people on any matter that might affect them.

"The proposed development might be a good one, but the people of St. David's were not given a chance to know it before it became a fait accompli."

Mr. Simons said: "We have a problem with this Government's fondness for SDOs, which automatically removes people's right to object; the most recent abuse being the SDO for the Jumeirah-Southlands development.

"The SDO approving the complex also runs counter to 'caretaker conventions' that are supposed to apply in the period leading up to a general election.

"These conventions, which are followed throughout the civilised world, require the Government to avoid implementing major policy initiatives and not to enter into any major contracts or undertakings during the caretaker period. But rules are not what this Government respects.

"The Government must start respecting the people of St. David's and the character of their community.

"It is not a dumping ground. We would like to see some long-term planning for St. David's, with broad input from residents, that can give the community some sense of direction for the future."