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Alaska Hall: charges laid

Magistrates' Court yesterday over the Alaska Hall fire.William Albert Smith, 65, of Hesitation Lane, is accused of arson, and wilfully and unlawfully setting fire to the Progressive Labour Party's headquarters.

Magistrates' Court yesterday over the Alaska Hall fire.

William Albert Smith, 65, of Hesitation Lane, is accused of arson, and wilfully and unlawfully setting fire to the Progressive Labour Party's headquarters.

The alleged offences occurred on February 15, the day before the official opening of the newly renovated two-storey building at the corner of Court and Angle Streets.

Smith was arrested shortly afterward, and released on $25,000 Police bail in his own recognizance.

Yesterday Senior Magistrate the Wor. Will Francis granted bail for the same sum. No sureties were ordered.

The case was adjourned until April 15 for mention.