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Bermuda Health Alliance raises funds for equipment Contributed by Christina

On July 1, 1996, six of Bermuda's health care charities took an unprecedented step joining forces to create a strong new advocate for Bermuda's health.

The members of the Bermuda Health Alliance work together as a team sharing resources, expertise and enthusiasm, while preserving the individual identity of the charities that comprise the Alliance.

The Alliance is committed to fostering greater health care knowledge and awareness among all Bermudians, as well as raising capital funds to assure Bermuda the most advanced medical facilities and diagnostic equipment, now and in the years to come.

The members of the Bermuda Health Alliance are: The Bermuda Hospital Board The Friends of Hospice The Bermuda Heart Foundation The Bermuda Diabetes Association The Residents and Family Council of the Extended Care Unit The Hospitals Auxiliary.

The Bermuda Health Alliance is built upon three key principals: Cooperation We recognise the donor community's preference to giving to a single appeal. We also recognise that in order for Bermuda's health issues to be adequately addressed, we must when ever possible, remove duplications and co-ordinate our efforts so as to provide comprehensive services.

Planning Each of the six members have developed business plans and budgets which clearly state the organisation's mission, goals, strategies and capital needs.

Accountability The Alliance's campaign and funds are professionally managed. The Alliance's accounts are audited annually by Butterfield & Steinhoff and a financial report is sent to all of our supporters. Furthermore, any member who receives funds from the Alliance must report back on the use of those funds. The Campaign.

Shortly after its birth, the Bermuda Health Alliance launched a fund raising effort to raise $5 million in capital funds to further the causes of its members. The individual needs of our members are listed below: THE BERMUDA HOSPITALS BOARD ($3.5 million) In 1993 a strategic plan was developed for the Bermuda Hospitals Board. The plan identified a number of spatial and operational needs of the hospitals.

The priority needs were the creation of additional outpatient clinics and new surgical suites. The challenge of raising the funds to purchase the equipment for the new wing has been taken up by the Alliance.

THE FRIENDS OF HOSPICE ($72,000) Agape House, an old Bermuda cottage is undergoing major renovations with the funds provided by the Bermuda Health Alliance. The kitchen will be outfitted with new stainless steel cabinets and appliances. New plumbing and wiring is being installed along with tiled floors and walls.

THE BERMUDA HEART FOUNDATION ($727,718) The Bermuda Heart Foundation, with the help of the Bermuda Health Alliance is seeking to fund the construction of a new Cardiac Diagnostic Unit. This new state of the art facility (to be located at the King Edward VII Memorial Hospital) will benefit all people with heart disease. With 4 out of 10 people in Bermuda at risk for heart disease in their lifetime, a new cardiac unit is critical to the early detection and treatment of heart disease on our Island.

BERMUDA DIABETES ASSOCIATION ($330,000) The Bermuda Diabetes Epidemiology Project was formally presented to the Minister of Health, local physicians and the general public in May 1997. Major findings of the project were that overall, 1 in 9 Bermudian adults have diabetes, and in the 65 years and over age group, 1 in 5 males and 1 in 3 females have Diabetes.

A ten year follow up study with 32 participants is underway. The study will involve annual blood tests, dietary counselling and an exercise programme. The goal is to prove that Type II Diabetes can be prevented in people who are at a high risk of developing the disease if certain lifestyle changes are made.

The Bermuda Hospitals Board Diabetes Centre, together with other major stake holders including the Diabetes Association, developed a diabetes programme for Bermuda entitled `Diabetes Care in Bermuda: Strategies Toward 2000 and Beyond'. It presents the vision of better health for people with, or at risk for, diabetes in Bermuda. The plan presents a mission and specific goals for achieving their vision.

THE RESIDENTS AND FAMILY COUNCIL ($65,000) Thanks to a generous donation from Cable & Wireless, a new van for the residents of the Extended Care Unit has been ordered and is currently being customised both to meet the needs of the patients and to meet size requirements for Bermuda's roads.

THE HOSPITALS AUXILIARY Staffed almost entirely by volunteers, the Auxiliary operates a number of successful ventures, the proceeds of which (some $250,000 per year) are used to benefit the hospitals. These ventures are the Gift Shop, the Coffee Shop and the `Barn'.

The Hospitals Auxiliary annually grants educational awards for financial aid for four Senior Candy Stripers for use at one of the post-secondary educational institutions in Bermuda.

Bermuda Health Alliance praises former chairman Some 350 male and female volunteers along with 90 young Candy Stripers work throughout the two hospitals providing invaluable assistance in virtually every area of hospital care.

The Auxiliary has joined the Health Alliance so as to lend their financial support to the Alliance's fund raising effort. They have already pledged over $40,000 in support for the Alliance which is earmarked for the new wing.

The Campaign is fast approaching its goal of $5 million, with less than $500,000 to go. As the campaign draws closer to its goal, the Board of the Bermuda Health Alliance has begun a strategic planning process to determine the future of the organisation.

There is no doubt that the Alliance concept has been extremely well received, particularly by the donating public. However, for the Alliance to move forward and continue to make a meaningful contribution to its members and the community, we must broaden the scope beyond that of just fund raising.

Planning will help us to achieve this.

Finally, the annual general meeting of the Alliance was held recently and the board unanimously elected Arthur Haycock to be chairman and Jane Spurling as Deputy Chairman.

The Board offered their compliments and gratitude to W. Keith Hollis -- the outgoing chairman. It has been under Mr. Hollis' dedicated leadership that the Alliance has come from inception to its successful position today.

NEW CHIEF -- Arthur Haycock