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Schoolmaster sees red over `blue' talk show

and shift the Jerry Springer talk show from its 5.00 p.m. slot on weekday evenings because he claims that it is unsuitable for children.

The Jerry Springer talk show, which is second behind Oprah in popularity, is well known for its daily diet of obscene gestures and fights between guests.

St. George's Preparatory School principal Mervyn Moorehead lambasted the programme in a letter to the Editor dated January 27.

He wrote: "It would be difficult to name anything on TV that is so disgusting, immoral and lacking in taste...every night consists of five or six burly men having to separate two or more men, two or more women, two or more of either sex who engage in open, violent, physical assault on each other.

He added:"The programme is almost incomprehensible as any conversations are punctuated every third word or so with a bleep-out as the language is crude, offensive and revolting.

Mr. Moorehead then called on the Broadcast Commission to bring about some change.

He continued:"As a school principal I am appalled that the TV Stations and even more importantly, the Broadcast Commissioners, are subjecting our children nightly at around supper time, to this barbaric trashy garbage.'' However, Lt. Col. Brendan Hollis, the newly installed chairman of the Broadcast Commission, said there was not much that he could do.

"The Jerry Springer Show is run on cable television and we have no control over cable,'' he explained. "All I can say is that I sympathise with the letter writer.

"Were we to regulate cable television, that would create a level of bureaucracy that would probably be unacceptable at this time.'' TELEVISION TV