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Power outage causes delays at airport

A blackout at the airport yesterday left tourists, travellers and Customs officers literally in the dark.

Emergency generators were able to keep all operations apart from lights and air conditioning, running at L.F. Wade International Airport.

At presstime last night, it was not known if the power returned to the airport.

The blackout meant that Customs officials were unable to search cargo properly, with only emergency and perishable items released as a result.

The problems are said to have been caused by a malfunction at a Belco switching station.

Customs staff worked through the blackout.

Said Principal Customs Officer Kelly Trott earlier in the day: "Our officers are working to the best of their capabilities. Although it's a little bit uncomfortable for both our officers and our clients, we're getting by."

The lights went out at 10.28 a.m. after a malfunction at the Ferry Reach switching station cut off power to the airfield and the terminal building.

The generators allowed passengers to check-in as normal. There were no flight delays reported in connection to the outage.

An airport official said that despite the heat brought on by the absence of air conditioning, there had been "minimal complaints".

Mobile tower lighting was ready to be set in the parking lot and on Apron 1 for late arrivals, in case the power did not return by nightfall.