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A letter from his sister

Bermuda College postgraduate student Ashley Grant, younger sister of injured motorcycle racer Tony "De Tiger" Grant, penned this heartfelt letter to The Royal Gazette as her brother continued to battle his injuries in the intensive care unit last night:

"My name is Ashley Grant and I am Tony Grant's little sister. My brother isn't the normal type of guy that follows a crowd; he is in a league of his own. He isn't into any gang related activities, he doesn't smoke marijuana, and he doesn't drink alcohol. He is the perfect role model for our younger brother Azrah, who is turning eleven on Sunday.

"He has always had a passion for bikes, I'm positive he came out of our mother's womb loving them to death; bikes are his life. He races motocross bikes as well as the street bikes. He not only likes to race bikes, but also loves to take them apart and fix them.

"He hopes to go away to a mechanics school and own his own garage. He's my Mr. Fix It. Anytime I have a problem with my bike he's the first person I call. He is a fun person to be around and has a smile that'll make you fall in love. He is the best big brother anyone could ask for. There is only one Tiger, and that's him. He is known as Tony "De Tiger" Grant; my superstar.

"I didn't get any sleep last night. I was up worried about my brother as well as my mom and family members who were able to go to the hospital. While I was up, I wrote on his Facebook page as follows: 'I haven't slept, not even five minutes, bags are forming under my eyes but I'd rather look like a bat outta hell than to have you hurt badly. Though you are embarrassed by the love and affection I show you in public, I'm your sister, that`s what I'm here for. It's near five in the morning, although I'm an amateur at praying, I am trying. I know that God is with you, I'm positive he won't leave you nor forsake you. I trust that God will heal you, I pray for you to have a speedy recovery.

'I've told you once and I'll tell you until I have no more breath to speak, I love you with all that I have. Here for you through thick and thin, pull through Big Bra, your little sister is counting on you. Love you always and forever.'

"This horrible accident happened so close to home. My family have not slept since we heard the news. As soon as we are able to visit him, we are right there. Though it is not easy looking at him in that abnormal state, we are keeping hope alive. 'A Family that Prays together stays Together.' We pray continuously. It is not at all easy, but God wouldn't put us through any more than we can bear. The battle is not ours, it's the Lord's. On behalf of my family, I would like to thank all those that have prayed for my brother, and I encourage them to continue to pray for him."