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Apartment block is focus of city’s writ against Minister

Minister Walter Roban

The Corporation of Hamilton has filed a writ against Planning Minister Walter Roban following his decision to approve the building of a ten-storey Court Street apartment.Corporation secretary Ed Benevides said the municipality was concerned that the application encroached on city property.He said: “We are not challenging the Minister’s decision to approve the appeal entirely. What we are challenging is that in his decision, the Minister did not address or condition the application to resolve our objections.“It’s a housekeeping thing. We are just making sure that we have our foot in the door legally to ensure the process is completed and we have the application adjusted entirely within the bounds of the owners property.“As long as they are on their property, the appeal process would be fine, but they can’t move city sidewalks or encroach on city property.”The residential development was first proposed in 2009. Planned for the corner of Court Street and North Street it was to include 31 apartments four one-bedroom units, 23 two-bedroom units and four three-bedroom units.The plan was refused approval by the Development Applications Board because it went against the City Plan’s height limitations. The developers appealed and on February 15, Mr Roban upheld the appeal.Mr Benevides said that Mr Roban had not addressed the corporation’s concern that the plan would encroach on city property.“To be fair, I don’t believe that information was passed on to the Minister,” he said.The Planning Department has already arranged meetings between the Corporation and the site’s developers, Mr Benevides said.He added: “I am sure when the process is completed, the Minister will amend the appeal appropriately.”