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Mini-golf plans for Dockyard

A new mini-golf course could soon be coming to Dockyard, with developers hoping to create a fun new family attraction.The proposed course is intended to be built on a former landfill site located east of Snorkel Park, with photovoltaic panels used to light the facility.Operating between 9am and 11pm, the facility would not add any new parking spaces to the area, and would share Snorkel Park’s entrance.The Development Applications Board recommends that the project be given approval but in a May 25 meeting expressed some concern about the use of trailers for the facilities office and restrooms.Developer Jacob Hocking said that because of the site’s history as a landfill, the cost of a permanent structure would be prohibitive. He also added that the trailers would not be visible from outside the facility.“The intention of this project is not to build a cheap mini-golf facility,” Mr Hocking wrote in reply to the DAB’s concerns. “The concept is to have 18 of the world’s best holes in miniature format for fun and competition.“Significant research has been put into this project, and the applicants intend to create an attractive facility with room for growth in the future.”He said if the project was successful, they could replace the trailers with permanent structures in time. If the project is not successful or in the event of hurricanes, the trailers could be removed, leaving the site in its original condition, he added.Useful website: www.plan ning.gov.bm