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Mother speaks out about online comments after son’s road crash

The mother of a road crash victim has spoken out against people who made insensitive comments in the aftermath of the accident.Ashley Wellman was left with serious injuries when his motorcycle hit a wall on Harbour Road, Paget, in the early hours of Tuesday August 23. He underwent surgery on Monday, and continues to be treated in the intensive care unit.The crash came just six days after a jury cleared Mr Wellman of armed kidnapping, assault and robbery charges.When The Royal Gazette first reported news of his accident, several readers posted comments on our website suggesting Mr Wellman somehow deserved what happened to him.The comments left Mr Wellman’s mother upset, and she told The Royal Gazette on Monday: “Ashley is currently in surgery. The doctors and the entire ICU staff are giving Ashley the best of care.“The horrible comments I read online did not surprise me, because this is Bermuda today and not yesterday.“If they believe that God punishes people for their wrongdoings we better build a larger hospital because we would run out of space real quick.“It is not a good experience to see anyone suffering, and it is ten times worse when it is your child and you cannot do anything to ease or take that pain away.”She added: “To my family who supported me at this time I have nothing but thanks and to all Ashley’s and my friends I say thank you from the bottom of my heart they have kept me strong.”The victim’s mother said she would prefer to keep the details of her son’s injuries private, and asked that her name not be published.Mr Wellman’s condition was listed as “stable” yesterday, according to a hospital spokeswoman.