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Christmas lights to be switched on this Friday

The City of Hamilton today announced the City Christmas lights will be turned this Friday.Chief Operating Officer and Secretary to the City of Hamilton, Edward Benevides said: “I am happy to announce the City lights will be turned on Friday, November 25. This will coincide with the lighting of the Christmas tree on the lawn in front of City Hall and the start of late night shopping in Hamilton.”Mr. Benevides added: “After consultation with our partners, the City has made a number of changes to the light distribution around Hamilton. I am confident residents, retailers and the general public will be happy with the light display this year.“We also made the decision to close two main City streets in order to enhance the shopping experience for pedestrians. Reid Street from Burnaby Hill to Queen Street will be closed, as will Court Street from Elliott Street West to Victoria Street.“In addition to the road closures we have added a shuttle service which will take people to their cars in Bulls Head Car Park. The shuttle will run from 5.30pm to 9.30pm and will leave from City Hall Car Park and Dundonald Street at Court Street,” asserted Mr. Benevides.“The road closures each Friday night will mean garbage collection times will change. We are asking retailers to put their garbage out by 4pm on Friday afternoons from now until Christmas. This will allow the City of Hamilton staff to make a collect before late night shopping begins.”He added: “We look forward to a safe and festive holiday season in Hamilton and encourage anyone with questions to contact me at City Hall. Hamilton is open, fully stocked and ready to serve you.”