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Treasured memories are the heart of new festive road safety campaign

Good times with friends and family is the theme of a road safety campaign encouraging drivers to cherish the special moments in life.The Bermuda Road Safety Council (BSRC) is encouraging residents to ‘Make Memories’, at a free photo booth to capture festive memories with an emphasis on staying alive for many more.The booth, which proved popular with revellers at the November 27 Hamilton Santa Claus Parade, will be hosted by the BSRC during December 9 late night shopping on Reid Street.Pictures are online at the BermudaRoadSafety Facebook page, where viewers are invited to tag themselves.The message behind the campaign is for drivers to use their seat belts, slow down, and wear their helmets correctly.“The emphasis on memories is designed to draw the entire community into a more proactive role to combat careless driving this winter,” explained road safety officer David Minors. “This campaign encourages the whole family to help promote careful driving.”The Christmas-themed pictures can be downloaded from flickr.com/BermudaRoadSafety.* For some of the pictures, click here.