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Ex-Telecoms chief to sue Government quartet

Hiram Edward

A former Acting Director for the Telecommunications Department has filed a writ claiming he was wrongfully dismissed from the post.Harim Edwards, in a writ filed by James and Associates on his behalf on March 7, also claims his pension payments have been unlawfully withheld by Accountant General Joyce Hayward.Mrs Hayward, Cabinet Secretary Donald Scott, Assistant Cabinet Secretary Judith Hall-Bean and Ministry of Environment Permanent Secretary Derrick Binns are all listed as defendants.The list of grievances detailed in the writ includes:l Illegally withdrawing or garnishing his paid pension from July 1, 1997 to May 31, 2000;l Failing to pay the pension due from June 1, 2000 to September 30, 2004;l Withholding pension due from dates between September 2007 and the date of the writ’s filing;l Unfairly dismissing Mr Edwards from his Acting Director’s post between January 22, 2011 and March 31, 2011, and unlawful withdrawing his Acting Director’s allowance paid during the same period;l And unlawful terminating Mr Edwards’s contract as Assistant Director of Telecommunications.Mr Edwards was listed as Assistant Director of Telecommunications last year during the Telecoms dispute stemming from Digicel’s launch of a new long distance service.The Supreme Court ordered the service halted after Government lawyers opposed it and accused Digicel of jumping the gun on telecommunications reform. Digicel, meanwhile, claimed that Government had approved the service.Efforts to reach Mr Edwards were unsuccessful and none of the defendants have responded to a request for comment.