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Government praises planner’s promotion

Government has praised a Bermudian employee for being promoted to the post of Planner after ten years of work with the Department of Planning.Tamsyn Doran began her career with the Department in 2000 as a summer student working in the Forward Planning Section, according to a press release.She subsequently competed a degree in Geography (Urban Systems) at McGill University and won hard to climb the ranks of the department and complete further training.“I was fortunate enough to be awarded the Trainee Planner position in 2002 and thereon worked hard with the ultimate goal of holding a Planner post within the Department,” she explained.Management staff from the Department of Planning created a four year training program specifically for Ms Doran which was then approved by the Department of Human Resources.Director of Planning Trevor Leach said: “We are so pleased to see that Ms Doran has been appointed to the post of Planner. Her work throughout her time here has been invaluable to the Department and she has been involved in the processing of many significant applications such the redevelopment of Horseshoe Bay and the Park Hyatt. She is a true testament to the success of the Trainee and Designate Planner Programs.”He added that Ms Doran is one of many Bermudians who have benefited from some similar training opportunities within the Department.