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Premier at women’s forum event in Morocco

Premier Paula Cox travelled to Morocco for a conference organised by the International Women’s Forum.She was accompanied by members of the group’s Bermuda chapter Business Bermuda CEO Cheryl Packwood and general manager of internet provider North Rock Communications, Vicki Coelho.The three-day World Cornerstone Conference was arranged by the IWF, an organisation dedicated to promoting leadership and networking among high-achieving women.The Bermudian women joined over 300 delegates from 27 countries to discuss the future of the Arab world and women’s role in it. The related issue of successfully integrating culturally diverse societies was another subject of debate.Conference attendees were also welcomed at the Royal Palace at Dar Essalam, King Mohammed VI and Princess Lalla Slama’s private residence, for a reception.Bermuda’s chapter was inaugurated last month. Ms Cox serves as president.