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Tougher sentences on the table for gang members

Tougher sentences are to be brought in for gang members who commit crimes.National Security Minister Wayne Perinchief told the House of Assembly this morning that the aim was to "reverse the destructive influence of the gang lifestyle in this community".He said the Criminal Code Amendment Bill 2012 would bring in additional sentences where crimes are proved to be committed as part of unlawful gang activity."These additional sentencing powers will provide the courts with the ability to properly reflect the public sentiment surrounding the negative effects of such crimes on this community."No level of the criminal enterprise is spared as the bill deliberately captures those who, in some cases quite literally 'call the shots'."The message is clear: strong enforcement, swift justice, stiff penalties."The Minister said a team from Boston's Street Safe programme would arrive in Bermuda this weekend to conduct intensive gang mediation training."Close to 30 men and women will spend four days receiving best practice instructions from a team whose track record is enviable and who come well equipped to provide the platform for our local success."This has been achieved with cross-ministry support and, at the end of the week, I will be joined by the honourable Premier and other ministerial colleagues to provide an overview of what I expect will be a successful week's intensive work."Mr Perinchief said Government was "poised to deliver on its promise to devote equal energy to the preventative and helping side of the equation" with its Respect! campaign, which was announced yesterday."The promotion of this basic concept of human behaviour is designed to reinforce one of the fundamental tenets of strong communities," said Mr Perinchief."Using simple but powerful images, our young people will be inspired and reminded to respect our seniors; to respect their communities and most importantly, to respect each other."He said a key element of the campaign was to "engender a renewed level of respect around sport and sports clubs".He said: "We must support the executives of these clubs who, in the main, work extremely hard to make their facilities family-oriented and community-based."