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Overall crime down in 2012

Crime decreased by 10.7 percent in the second quarter of this year according to police statistics released today.The figure represents the second lowest recorded since 2007.“The BPS has been working very hard at making Bermuda safer in conjunction with our community and law enforcement partners and that hard work is paying off,” said Assistant Police Commissioner Paul Wright at a press conference this morning.“I am pleased to report that most crime categories have decreased in the second quarter of 2012. Total crime is down by ten percent over the previous quarter (1,163 crimes) and down by nine percent over the previous year. We are always mindful that individual categories tend to rise and fall from one quarter to the next and therefore we are careful to give the perspective of long-term trends instead of comparing month to month. With that said, the long-term trend of total crime is continuing downwards. The second quarter for 2012 is below average for the previous 12 months and it represents the second lowest quarter in the last five years.”Nine firearm incidents were reported in the second quarter of the year; police recovered five guns and/or ammunition between April and June.Road traffic collisions increased by 44 or 9.9 percent, to 488 when compared with the first quarter. When compared with the second quarter last year the total decreased by 72 or 12.9 percent.Road traffic fatalities continued to decrease with only one fatality recorded between April and June of this year.Drug enforcement activity increased by 11 percent compared with the first quarter. A total of 107 seizures, the majority, were made on the street. There were 51 seizures of illegal drugs made at Bermuda's ports of entry.There were three overseas seizures recorded during the second quarter that involved overseas law enforcement agencies.Police seized a total of 49.6kg of controlled drugs with an estimated street value of $3.2 million. Marijuana topped the list - 44kg seized with an estimated street value of $2.2 million. Meanwhile 3.9kg of cocaine was seized, valued at just under a million.The value of drugs seized in the second quarter increased to $3.2 million, compared with the $1.9 million recorded in the first quarter of this year.Overall arrests were down. A total of 825 persons were arrested, the majority (246) of whom were between the ages of 26 and 35.Of the total people arrested, 742 were Bermudian and 83 were foreign nationals. The majority, 714, were black males; 83 white males were arrested.There were five arrests for murder and five arrests for firearm offences in the second quarter.Sixty-one people were arrested more than once. There were 1,127 stop and searches by police, representing a decrease of 833 or 42.5 percent when compared with the first quarter of the year.