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Cameron ‘overwhelmed’ by theatre renaming

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Actor Earl Cameron looks on at a plaque at the newly renamed Earl Cameron Thatre at City Hall yesterday. (Photo by Mark Tatem)

The Earl Cameron Theatre was officially named today at a ceremony at City Hall. Speakers at the event honouring the 95-year-old stage and screen actor emphasised that Mr Cameron had grown up on Angle Street, and the City of Hamilton was honouring one of their own.At the ceremony attended by a large gathering of dignitaries including Hamilton’s Mayor Graeme Outerbridge — who said the decision to name the theatre after Mr Cameron was the first the new Corporation had made after municipal elections — as well as Governor George Fergusson, Premier Paula Cox along with a large number of family members and friends, the actor and his wife Barbara unveiled a bronze plaque and a new sign denoting The Earl Cameron Theatre.The actor, who has played key roles in films including that of a portrait painter in the opening scenes of the Oscar-winning ‘The Queen’, as well as numerous stage and other film appearances, said he was “overwhelmed”. “I can’t believe that a little boy from Angle Street would come back 90 years later and get this sort of attention,” he said after the ceremony.In Bermuda for about three weeks, it is also planned that he will visit schools to give a series of talks.

Bermudian actor Earl Cameron will see the City Hall theatre named after him today.
Bermudian actor Earl Cameron will see the City Hall theatre named after him today.
Bermudian actor Earl Cameron will see the City Hall Theatre named after him today.
Bermudian actor Earl Cameron will see the City Hall theatre named after him today.
Bermudian actor Earl Cameron will see the City Hall theatre named after him today.
Bermudian actor Earl Cameron will see the City Hall theatre named after him today.