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Food drive expands to become a year-round event

Bermuda CableVision is expanding its food drive programme into a year-round event following a positive response from the public.The company launched a food drive to support The Eliza DoLittle Society two months ago after it was revealed their food bank was nearly empty.A CableVision spokeswoman said the food drive, named ‘Open Hands, Loving Hearts,’ will be used to support various charities over the course of the year.Bermuda CableVision’s Rollin Nathan said: “Upon launching the food drive on April 25, we saw donations pour in, and were able to quickly fill our collection bins for The Eliza DoLittle Society’s food bank, and then refill them several times.“Next, we went out into the community and spoke to schools, businesses and church leaders, and we found them tremendously supportive and ready to help. They have all agreed to let us place our ‘big blue bins’ on their premises and encourage donations of non-perishable food items in locations across Bermuda.“It is very heartwarming to see how the children truly want to help others, and how quickly the churches came together to support the ‘Open Hands, Loving Hearts’ initiative.”In addition to businesses, nearly two dozens of the Islands schools agreed to take part in the food drive efforts.Kalmar Richards, Principal of CedarBridge Academy, said: “Our students have developed a strong spirit of giving and a tradition of outreach over the years, and this year is no different. They are now pulling together a fundraiser to support The Eliza DoLittle Society.“We applaud the work of The Eliza DoLittle Society and thank Bermuda CableVision for their steadfast commitment to serving Bermuda.”The Minister of Community and Cultural Development Wayne Scott added: “I recognise that many people in the community are experiencing challenges in making ends meet and I am fully supportive of community partnerships to assist those in need.“Bermuda CableVison is to be commended for its efforts in spearheading this food drive to ensure those in need are not afflicted by the ravages of hunger.”