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Lancashire’s festive gesture secures food for families

Lancashire employees stack a pile of food for donation worth $4,000, which will go to the Family Centre, The Eliza DoLittle Society and the Do-Gooder. At the front, from left, are: Jennifer Wilson, Ana Parkin, Paula Forbes and Stacy Oughton. Back row, from left, are: Carole White and Terita Flood.

Families who have been on a waiting list for Christmas food will be able to put meals on their tables thanks to big-hearted staff at Lancashire Insurance Company Limited.

The business bought $4,000 worth of food — also taking advantage of the 10 percent discounts offered on Wednesdays by local supermarkets — to divide between the Family Centre and the Eliza DoLittle Society.

According to Family Centre services director Sandy DeSilva, the group has identified “at least ten families” who will benefit after the donations are collected tomorrow.

The centre “serves many families who have basic needs that go unmet on a daily basis”, she said.

“Receiving these food items helps us to better serve families by providing them with basic necessities to get through each day and to have hope and joy through the holiday season.”

Many Lancashire staff added their company Christmas vouchers to the donations pile, and contributions were matched by the company. It added up to 50 cases of non-perishables such as canned foods and dry goods.

The company also gave $6,000-worth of food vouchers and prescription gift cards to needy families earlier this month.