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Police: enforcement alone cannot stem road deaths

Police alone cannot stem the spate of injuries and deaths on the Island’s roads, according to Inspector Robert Cardwell.

With public concern mounting in the aftermath of the first road fatality of the year this morning, Insp Cardwell issued a statement this afternoon.

“The Christmas and New Year period saw relatively good social behaviour and the exercise of responsibility as the community celebrated the festive season. However, the same cannot be said for responsible road use.

“Twelve persons were arrested for impaired driving offences over the holiday period. Road traffic collisions occurred that have resulted in serious injury and further loss of life. Sixteen lives have been lost on the roads in 2014 and one life has already been lost in 2015. The majority of the collisions involving the loss of life have involved Bermudian men. Those men leave behind families including mothers, fathers, siblings, children and other extended family members.”

Insp Cardwell said a total of 126 people were admitted to King Edward VII Memorial Hospital with serious injuries as a result of collisions in 2014.

“These are people who have suffered injuries resulting in brain damage, paralysis, loss or amputation of a limb and many other very serious injuries that will require an extensive period of rehabilitation, rehabilitation in some case that is lifelong,” he said.

“The Bermuda Police Service will continue its target approach to enforcement of traffic laws through the Selected Traffic Enforcement Programme (STEP). However, enforcement alone cannot prevent future collisions and will not slow down the rate of deaths suffered on the roads. Collisions too often are entirely avoidable. Aggravating factors of bad behaviour that includes speed, alcohol consumption and general inattention or combinations of these factors are usually present in collisions. There is evidence of a general disregard for proper driving behaviour and a bad driving culture that must be reversed. Reversing the current trends will require the cooperation of every single road user.”