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National Hero nomination period begins

The nomination period for a new national hero has begun, according to the Ministry of Community, Culture and Sport.

In a statement this afternoon, Director of Community and Cultural Affairs Heather Whalen said: “The designation of National Hero is considered to be an honour bestowed on a truly extraordinary individual and it is not expected that such an individual will be identified each year. The designation of national hero can be awarded posthumously.

“The naming and recognition committee, composed of seven members reflective of Bermuda’s history, culture and ethnicity, has been appointed by the Minister of Community, Culture and Sports Patricia Gordon-Pamplin to manage the process of reviewing nominations for the national heroes designation.

“Nominations may be submitted to the committee at any time; although national heroes will not be selected each year. The committee undertakes to maintain the dignity and honour of the designation of national hero in its deliberations.”

Any newly named heroes will be celebrated on National Heroes Day, the third Monday in June. They would join the list of celebrated heroes, including Dame Lois Browne-Evans, Dr EF Gordon, Dr Pauulu Kamarakafego, Sir Henry Tucker and Mary Prince.

Any member of the public including civil servants and members of the naming and recognition committee can nominate an individual or group as national hero.

Applications, guidelines and guidance notes are available online at www.communityandculture.bm; and hard copies at the Department of Community and Cultural Affairs — located on the fourth floor of the Dame Lois Browne-Evans Building.

Deadline for submissions is 5pm on March 13, 2015.