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British fire chief seeks advice from BFRS

Working together: (From left) Acting Divisional Officer Aaron Denkins, Acting Division Officer Troy Furbert, Divisional Officer Morris White, Chief Fire Officer Reginald L Burchall, Assistant Chief Fire Officer Simon Ryan, Acting Deputy Chief Fire Officer Dana Lovell, and Senior Airport Officer Gary Renaud

Bermuda Fire and Rescue Service has been in discussions with the United Kingdom Fire Service about current and innovative practice trends.

Assistant Chief Fire Officer Simon Ryan visited the BFRS senior management team while here on vacation to discuss areas of mutual interest.

The UK Fire Service primarily responds to fires and road collisions, but there is an increasing interest in incorporating emergency medical services (EMS) as part of its remit — as is the case in Bermuda.

The Fire Service Act was amended in 1996 to allow for EMS provision and in 1998 the BFRS began providing EMS care to its residents on a full-time basis.

This in turn improved medical care response times in the western and eastern ends of the Island by having emergency medical technicians on scene within minutes.

Mr Ryan was seeking advice from Bermuda’s officers about how the BFRS strategically implemented the initiative. He was accompanied by Bermuda’s Chief Fire Officer, Lloyd Burchall, as he observed local EMTs and firefighters handling patient care and equipment usage.

According to Mr Ryan, “the BFRS has it right”.