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Fahy revises decision on South Basin

Michael Fahy, the Minister of Home Affairs

Planning decisions for an America’s Cup development at the South Basin in Dockyard were abruptly revised yesterday, after a series of complaints from the Bermuda Environmental Sustainability Taskforce.

“This is all rather sudden,” said Best chairman Stuart Hayward, as Michael Fahy, the Minister of Home Affairs, announced a turnaround on the project.

Extra scrutiny and environmental studies are now required for a commercial boatyard and Marine and Ports depot proposed for the site in the aftermath of its use as an America’s Cup village.

Senator Fahy also refused permission for a large marina, to have been built after the 2017 sports event.

Over the summer, Best had criticised the Department of Planning for cutting corners on its environmental impact assessment of the uses for the property, which is to be created through land reclamation.

The South Basin dispute had been planned to go before the Island’s courts.

Last night Mr Hayward told The Royal Gazette: “We are guardedly optimistic, but are unable to respond further until we have analysed and understood the details of the Minister’s revisions.”

The marina requested by South Basin Development Ltd had been aimed at attracting luxury yachts. The development, which would have included a marina office, won approval in April.

“All these permissions were originally approved with conditions to protect the environment,” a Ministry statement said yesterday, adding: “The minister today revised those permissions.”

Sen Fahy concluded that extra studies were required for the marina, meaning its application would have to be resubmitted to the Department of Planning. The statement continued: “South Basin Development Ltd still has permission to reclaim land in the South Basin and to use that land for the AC35 village. In other words, the revised permissions do not impact AC35 or the AC35 timetable.”

The boatyard and depot have limited planning permission, or permission in principle, contingent on further studies and public consultation.