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Jeweller wins best Christmas display contest

Pink Christmas: The holiday display at Alexandra Mosher Studio Jewellery.

Alexandra Mosher Studio Jewellery has been praised as having the best Christmas window display following a comptetion organised by the City of Hamilton.

The Washinton Mall store took the top prize in the contest, winning more than $1,000 in prizes including a week of radio advertising and gift vouchers from Belco and Logic Communications.

Lili Bermuda came second, winning a $400 prize package, while Demco To Go claimed third and a $300 prize package.

The competition was organised by the Corporation of Hamilton to encourage members of the public to come into Hamilton and spend their Christmas dollars in Bermuda. The decision was made by a public vote, which began on November 27 and ended on December 16.

Among the other competitors were Brown & Co, Crisson Jewellers Queen Street and Front Street, Goslings, Frangipani, Gibbons Main Store and Home Store, Phoeniz Store and P-Tech.

Late night Christmas shopping is set to continue tonight, with Reid Street closed to traffic and activities both on Court Street and outside City Hall.