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Organ Donation Awareness Week to launch

This year’s Organ Donation Awareness Week will run from April 25 to 29, under the theme “Have the Conversation”.

The campaign, put forward by the Bermuda Organ Donor Association and Bermuda Hospitals Board, will feature three public awareness events.

Free health screenings will be offered on Monday April 25 (10am to 1pm) at the Washington Mall and on Tuesday April 26 (10am to noon) at the Transport Control Department on Parson’s Road.

Also on Tuesday, there will be a free panel session at the Mariner’s Club in Hamilton (6pm to 8pm), detailing basic information on organ donation.

The “Have the Conversation” theme underlines the importance of discussing the issue with loved ones.

This is particularly relevant in Bermuda as the next of kin decides on organ donation, as opposed to the US system where the individual registers their desire to donate.

Representatives from the New England Donor Bank, BHB’s partner for organ donations, will be on island during the week giving lectures and training to health workers.

On Tuesday afternoon, they will also raise the Donate Life flag, a symbol of the organisation, at King Edward VII Memorial Hospital.

For more information, visit www.donatelifenewengland.org.