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Toastmasters celebrating 20th anniversary

Kimberley Caines, former president of Bermuda Toastmasters International, with president Corville Hylton

Bermuda Toastmasters is set to celebrate its 20th anniversary with a special banquet at the Fairmont Southampton.

Corville Hylton, president of the club dedicated to helping people become better public speakers and leaders, said: “We want to reach out to all current and former members of Bermuda Toastmasters and commemorate our presence in the community for 20 years. We want to remember the history and club achievements as well.”

Launched in 1996, the club has helped many people to develop their public-speaking skills, as well as helping to establish three other toastmasters clubs and two gavel clubs. The ceremony, due to take place on June 25, will honour the founding and charter members of the club, along with serving as an awards ceremony recognising the achievements of the members and four chartered clubs.

The Deputy Governor, Ginny Ferson, herself a toastmaster, will serve as the event’s keynote speaker, while Chief Justice Ian Kawaley is to be honoured with the Communication Achievement Award for his work in the community.

Proceeds for the event will be used to support club initiatives and community projects, such as establishing gavel clubs in schools. General tickets for the event cost $100, while patron tickets will cost $150. E-mail bermudatm@gmail.com.