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Free intro to WordPress course on Wednesday

WordPress 101, a five-week course on how to build your own website, will be introduced this Wednesday courtesy of ConnecTech, the local technology incubator.

The course, guided by computer experts, is designed for “entrepreneurs, small business, those interested in learning new technology and looking to thrive in the fast paced technology space”, a company statement said.

The free information session explaining course content is from 6pm to 7.30pm, at ConnecTech’s office on 41 Cedar Avenue in Hamilton.

Many people are unsure how to build a website but are eager to try it out, explained instructor Adrian Lodge.

“I’ve put together a course that breaks down exactly what WordPress is, and what is involved, so that students are better informed, enabling them to learn how to use it for their business or personal website. The classes start from the beginning with hands-on training and cover all of the main topics and a few tips and tricks learnt through experience.”

WordPress 101 begins on October 19, at $300 per person, for five classes running from 6pm to 7.30pm each Wednesday.

•For more information, visit www.connectech.bm or call 400-3677.