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Woman, 84, dies after road crash

An 84-year-old woman has died following a road accident that happened on October 20.

Maureen Peckett, from Paget, was taken to hospital after her car hit a utility pole on South Road, Devonshire, near its junction with Melville Crescent.

Yesterday, police said she remained in intensive care until succumbing to her injuries on Friday last week.

Mrs Peckett is the 11th fatal road accident victim of 2016. Her 90-year-old passenger was also injured in the crash. At the time, police said a second vehicle had collided with the car after it hit the pole.

Anyone with information should telephone Constable Colin Paynter at the Roads Policing Unit on 247-1788, e-mail cpaynter@bps.bm or the main police telephone number 295-0011.