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Recycling facility back in operation

Government's recycling facility at Devon Springs (Photograph by Akil Simmons)

Government’s recycling facility is back and running at full capacity.

A Ministry of Public Works statement noted that the backlog of materials held at the old recycling centre at Devon Springs had been removed and processed.

The island’s blue bag recycling programme captures TAG — tin cans (steel), aluminium cans and glass bottles. An average of 50 tonnes of material is recycled each month.

“Metals such as steel and aluminium are shipped to the US where they are melted down into sheet metal and used to make new consumer items,” added the statement.

“Recycling produces 95 per cent less effluent and emissions than using raw materials. Recyclables are subject to market fluctuations, so the ability to hold these materials on island aids the Ministry by allowing shipments when market prices are high.

“Glass is used on-island as a drainage medium in road works, backfill and landscaping projects.”

Information about Bermuda’s Comprehensive Waste Management Programme is available at www.gov.bm/garbage-and-recycling, on www.facebook.com/recyclebermuda, in the BTC blue pages What Goes Where. The Material Recovery Facility is located at the Government Quarry, Hamilton Parish. For tours of the facility, e-mail recycle@gov.bm.