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Public school strategy an ‘ongoing success’

Curtis Dickinson, chairman of the Board of Education (Photo by Akil Simmons)

There has been “ongoing success” in developing a new strategic direction for the public school system, according to a Board of Education representative.

Curtis Dickinson, board chairperson, said that the past two months had been productive.

“During the months of April and May community conversations continued and were held with business persons, church groups, charitable organisations, members of the two political parties, parish councils school PTAs, and government officers,” Mr Dickinson said.

The work had led to a “rich database” of input from the community on the future of public education, he said.

Mr Dickinson thanked the 1,300 people who had to date participated in an online planning survey, the results of which are available at www.educatebermuda.com.

Earlier this month, the strategic planning Ambassador Design Team, comprised of 30 persons, spent the day developing the first strategic plan prototype using data gathered from the survey.

“The Board of Education is very pleased with the progress of the strategic planning session so far,” a statement provided by the board this afternoon said.

Feedback and suggestions on the first prototype can be made until June 5 at www.moed.bm or www.educatebermuda.com.