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Feed My Lambs to hold appreciation event

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Thank you from Haiti (Photograph supplied)

Feed My Lambs Ministry is to host a special appreciation event next month.

The Bermudian charity will give an update on progress of its work in Haiti, current projects and plans for the future.

Linda Adderley, sister of charity founder Phillip Rego, said: “We have it every couple of years. We invite people who have given and want to know about where their money has gone. It gives them the opportunity to see where we are and our forecast for the next year.”

Ms Adderley was among 20 volunteers from all over the world who travelled to the French-speaking Caribbean country earlier this month.

She said: “It was really rewarding for many reasons. I was able to appreciate the children and love on them. I didn’t do any physical work as I had been ill, so I was able to spend that time with them. A lot of times, I don’t have that time.

“This trip I felt they received love and I received it back. So it was a healing process for myself and the children.”

Ms Adderley explained she and her brother are often so busy that they do not get to spend time with the children.

She added: “Love has to be the ultimate. I tell people, no matter what we are doing, if love is not in it, if that’s not the ultimate, then we have wasted our time. Anyone can just build, anyone can put a structure up, put a toilet together.”

Feed My Lambs Ministry runs an orphanage for 62 children and a school for 700 in Montrouis.

Over the years, a medical clinic and a dental clinic have been added to the compound, along with a solar water purification system, school kitchen and farm area.

Volunteers this month helped build new bathrooms, re-tiled the common area, recultivated the farmland and prepared seedlings for planting.

Ms Adderley said: “We had people from different parts of the world spend time playing with them and creating art with them.”

Father and daughter dental team Alexis and Carl MacKenzie also travelled to Haiti and saw 130 patients in three days. They were assisted by one of the young women, who lived in the orphanage and is now studying to become a doctor.

Ms Adderley said: “We have a total of 15 students out of the orphanage that are in university — 13 in Port-au-Prince and two in the Dominican Republic. The whole idea is to raise up leaders in their country to help them be sustainable.”

Sydney Gibbons, senior pastor at the Hamilton Seventh-day Adventist Church, also went on the trip.

Ms Adderley said: “He’s actually doing a ministry. It’s launched in Haiti and he’s taking it all over the world.”

A team of volunteers also took timber to one of the islands where they hoped to rebuild a house damaged during Hurricane Matthew.

Ms Adderley said: “We are not just helping our children, but we are doing outreach to people who have nothing.”

The free appreciation event will be held at the Bermuda Underwater Exploration Institute on September 13 from 5.30-7.30pm. RSVP by e-mailing regolinda@yahoo.com.

A vacation school was put on for the children at the orphanage, who created artwork for the appreciation event (Photograph supplied)
New tile was put down in the common area (Photograph supplied)
Father and daughter dental team Alexis McKenzie and Karl McKenzie saw about 130 patients in three days (Photograph supplied)
Father and daughter dental team Alexis McKenzie and Karl McKenzie saw about 130 patients in three days (Photograph supplied)
Father and daughter dental team Alexis McKenzie and Karl McKenzie saw about 130 patients in three days (Photograph supplied)
Sidney Gibbons, head of the Seventh Day Adventist Church on Church Street, launched his ministry in Haiti (Photograph supplied)
A new bathroom area was constructed (Photograph supplied)
Summer fun: Feed My Lambs Ministry runs an orphanage for 62 children and a school for 700 in Montrouis, Haiti. During the summer holiday, some of the older children have been helping to run a vacation school for the younger ones. (Photograph supplied)
Some of the artwork made by the children will be displayed at the appreciation event at BUEI on September 13 (Photograph supplied)