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Call for greater scrutiny of outsourcing

Jan Liebers, Acting Information Commissioner for the Cayman Islands; Gitanjali Gutierrez, Information Commissioner for Bermuda; Iain McDonald, Isle of Man Information Commissioner at the International Conference of Information Commissioners in Manchester, Britain (Photograph supplied)

Bermuda’s information commissioner wants to step up scrutiny of the outsourcing of public services.

Gitanjali Guterriez was at the International Conference of Information Commissioners in Manchester, Britain, where a resolution was passed calling for more robust transparency surrounding public services outsourced to private sector entities.

The resolution notes that outsourcing has substantially evolved in recent years into non-public entities providing core government services, such as public utilities and infrastructure services.

It also notes the challenges of scrutinising these public expenditures and contract performance.

In a press release, Ms Guterriez said: “The ICIC resolution is timely for our island. We are not alone in tackling concerns about accountability and public spending with the outsourcing of public services.

“It is crucial that outsourcing arrangements, especially for significant services, involve open contracting standards and a transparent procurement.

“These processes are promoted here by the Office of Project Management and Procurement, and include the publication of opportunities and clearly identified selection criteria.”

Ms Gutierrez said proactive publication requirements under Pati are a step in the right direction.

She said: “The proactive publication of the details of contracts over $50,000 enables the public to know what bidder was successful and to ask for further access to records concerning service delivery and contract management.

“Open contracting and public accountability are more than words. They refer to specific steps in public spending that all public bodies should strive to achieve.

“Access to information is key to the accountability of outsourced services. Public accountability for public bodies and outsourced contractors creates an opportunity for feedback that can lead to improvements in public services.

“Accountability isn’t always about getting it right every single time. It’s about seeking input to identify improvements to public spending and services as entities move forward.”

Ms Gutierrez said the conference had also given her “great ideas on deepening the capacity of civil society organisations to work with access to information laws, the areas of further development for the Pati Act, and many practical steps that our ICO can take to progress our work”.

She said: “I look forward to putting them into action at home.”

• To read the ICIC resolution, click on the PDF under “Related Media”