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New leaders at Kiwanis Club

Photograph supplied

The Kiwanis Club of St George’s has selected its new leadership team, which takes office on October 1st.

The new Officers and Directors are headed by Daron Lowe (seen right front in the photo), and the other board members shown (clockwise from the new President) are Keina Rollins, Director; Craig Outerbridge, Treasurer; Vincent John, Director; David Burgess, Director; and Buddy Fleming, Director.

Under the club’s rules, the incoming Secretary will be appointed by the President; and under Kiwanis International rules the out-going President, Gary Kent-Smith, will also sit on the Board as Immediate Past President.

The Kiwanis Club of St George’s is completing its 30th anniversary year in 2019, and all members are looking forward to continuing their efforts to serve the children of the world.

Kiwanis is a global organization of volunteers dedicated to improving the world one child and one community at a time

Press release from The Kiwanis Club of St George’s