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Southampton Rangers’ liquor licence ‘renewed’

Police respond to an incident at Southampton Rangers Club (Photograph by Lisa Simpson)

Southampton Rangers Sports Club succeeded in its application to keep selling alcohol, a member told The Royal Gazette yesterday.

The Liquor Licensing Authority had been mulling the club’s liquor licence after police raised concerns about some of its patrons and its security cameras at a meeting last Thursday.

But the club member confirmed last night that, while it had not received official documents, the club had been granted its licence.

LLA chairman Marc Daniels said on Thursday that a decision would be issued in writing the next day. The LLA has not provided any details about its decision or any conditions with the licence since then.

Club president Jason Wade is overseas and could not be reached. A Bermuda Police Service spokesman said the police were awaiting the official ruling from the Liquor Licensing Authority before making any public statement.

At the five-hour hearing, Mr Daniels said the board had received a list of 21 serious incidents at Southampton Rangers dated from January 2017 to April of this year.

The club argued it was an active community club that had several programmes.

It added that it had banned troublemakers, kept working with police and security firms and closed earlier on Sundays in keeping with recommendations by the LLA last year.

Christopher Famous, who is a member of the board, told the House of Assembly last Friday that many sports clubs had their reputations tarnished because of non-members who visited and caused trouble.

Mr Famous said club members were volunteering to help make clubs a success, and called on MPs to support the clubs in their constituencies.

UPDATE: This article initially stated that the list of 21 serious incidents at Southampton Rangers dated from last June to April this year. It was corrected to say that the incidents dated from January 2017 to April this year.