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Parking warning in Hamilton

The City of Hamilton reminds the motoring public that the parking of any vehicle on property deemed a City sidewalk contravenes the Hamilton Traffic and Sidewalks Ordinance. Said ordinance clearly states that, “no vehicle shall be parked wholly or partly upon or driven or ridden along any sidewalk.”City COO, Dwayne Caines, said of the violation, “City sidewalks are for pedestrians, they are not for vehicles. Motorists need to be smart and respectful; they need to do their part to keep sidewalks safe and clear for the walking public. We’re in the busy shopping period and we need to curb this bad behavior to avoid any unnecessary accidents.”The current penalty for parking on a City sidewalk is $75.00. Failure to pay the fine may result in additional penalties and a court appearance. Any vehicle left on a City sidewalk for more than seven days will be issued a notice of removal and disposal by the City.• Press release from the City of Hamilton