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Goat farm refused, Digicel antenna approved

The latest Development Applications Board minutes (July 10)Lot A, Sleepy Hollow Drive, Hamilton1. JACKSON, Sharon and GeorgeProposed Construction of Livestock Pen in Order to Raise GoatsP0593/11 Type: Final Decision: RefusePlanner: Victoria CaroloDiscussion: The technical officer presented the application details to the Board. The Board supported the technical officer's recommendation and refused the application.The Board RESOLVED:To refuse the application, as received 15 December, 2011 for the following reason(s): 1. The proposed development fails to conform to the provisions of the Development and Planning (Application Procedure) Rules, 1997, in that insufficient information has been submitted to enable a proper assessment of the proposal to be undertaken contrary to Policy APC.3 of the Bermuda Plan 2008 Planning Statement. Specifically, an accurate site plan based on a registered plan of survey detailing all necessary information in a legible manner has not been submitted.2. The proposal does not comply with Policy AGR.6, Chapter 20 of the Bermuda Plan 2008 Planning Statement given that the submitted plans are not sufficient to demonstrate that the development is of an appropriate scale and siting to be sensitive to the environmental characteristics of the land.Advice Note: The Board wishes to express concern that the applicant has shown blatant disregard for the planning process in that development has commenced prior to planning approval.2. DIGICEL BERMUDA,20 Quarry Hill Road, WarwickErection of a Wooden Belco Pole to hold Three (3) Cellular Antenna and One (1) Dish with Associated Transmission Equipment. Min Height Antenna Poles shall not be less than 30 feet and 34 feet six inches Maximum above grade.P0006/13 Type: Final Decision: ApprovePlanner: George ShakirDiscussion: The technical officer presented the application details to the Board with a recommendation of approval. The technical officer reiterated that the height of the pole was 30 feet and telecommunication equipment could extend the height to 34 feet six inches above grade and that the objectors were notified of the 4 foot 6 inch difference in height. The technical officer stated the concerns raised by the objectors.The Board asked clarification regarding the size of the satellite dish and the application description. The technical officer showed an image of the dish. The Board queried the size and visual impact of the generator and the technical officer showed an image of the generator and stated that the dimensions of four feet in height and six square feet were in the Board report.The Board requested the licensing with the Department of Environmental Protection condition be added.The Board again expressed concern over public safety/health impacts and the technical officer reminded them that the proposal is compliant with international health and safety standards and was reviewed by the Regulatory Authority, and as such no safety issues are expected.The Board resolved to approve the application.The Board RESOLVED:To approve the application, as received 3 January, 2013 with additional information received 18 June 2013 subject to the following condition(s):1. The development hereby permitted shall be begun before the expiration of 2 (two) years from the date of this permission.2. For the avoidance of doubt the consent hereby granted is for planning permission only. Prior to the commencement of building operations a separate application for a building permit must be made and approved.3. For the avoidance of doubt generators are a form of controlled plant. A construction permit for the controlled plant must be obtained from the Department of Environmental Protection and submitted with the building permit application. A license to operate the controlled plant must be obtained from the Department of Environmental Protection and submitted prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Completion and Occupancy.4. An equipment licence shall be obtained from the Department of Telecommunications for any Radio Frequency (RF) transmission equipment to be installed on the new tower prior to issuance of a Certificate of Completion and Occupancy.5. For the avoidance of doubt the hereby approved pole shall be a maximum height of 34'6" above grade.Advice Note: The Board wishes to advise that the applicant must adhere to the regulations and recommendations established by the Regulatory Authority of Bermuda, including but limited to the requirement for installing hazard signage and ensuring compliance with guidelines for human exposure to radio frequency electromagnetic fields.