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Dr. Brown's YouTube election announcement

The Premier made the election announcement through a YouTube video on the PLP website. This is the full text of that announcement.

My fellow Bermudians, there's an incredibly promising future emerging for our country and I hope we can move toward that bright future… together.

Our economic future is strong; it's the envy of much of the world.

But success should not breed complacency.

We're focused on a tourism turnaround. Air arrivals are up, hotel occupancy is up; and while there is very little room at the inn, there's still room for growth. The world's leading hotel brands are lining up to come to your country.

Ritz Carlton, St. Regis, Jumeriah — all want to come to Bermuda because they know our home is a premier tourist destination with a future as bright as the sun.

The future we have planned for public education is equally promising. We have shown the bravery to expose our weaknesses in education, now we will exhibit the strength to fix those weaknesses.

We are striving for a public education system that prepares your child to compete against the world… and win.

Our commitment to our senior citizens must be as loyal as the commitment to our children. We have already lessened the financial burden on our seniors — no more land tax, no more vehicle registration payments, no more licensing renewals.

We're not done yet. We promise improved health care and benefits for war veterans. These are our seniors who birthed us, nurtured us, taught us, guided us, supported us, and loved us. The Progressive Labour Party will never, never let them down!

I'm proud of our record… from economic empowerment to success in international sports… from affordable housing to social rehabilitation.

I'm proud too that we have achieved these goals in a spirit of togetherness. Let's not stop the work that we have started. Let's finish the job. Let's move Bermuda forward.

Today I called upon the Acting Governor to dissolve Parliament in advance of a general election.

Know well that this will be an election between those who would take our country backwards and a party that will move our country forward… forward to a future of success for your children, a future of comfort for our seniors — an improved quality of life for us all.

Bermuda's future is boundless. The Progressive Labour Party stands ready to secure that wealth and opportunity for all of Bermuda's citizens, but it's a mission that requires your help, your solidarity, your commitment, and your support.

So I ask you, go and tell the PLP story. Make a pledge to yourself to be part of this exciting movement that will culminate in a historic election.

Whether you can help for one hour or one day, I ask that you take a minute right now and volunteer to assist on our website www.plp.bm

Talk to your neighbours, to your co-workers, to your friends and to your relatives. Teach your children our history, and make them proud of our accomplishments.

Forward them this YouTube video and tell them they are duty bound to vote and secure the bright future that all of us care about.

We must mobilise like marchers for a cause. Shout across this country, from Dockyard to St David's — we must re-elect the PLP!

The Progressive Labour Party Government believes wholeheartedly in the people of Bermuda.

That's why I'm confident that on Election Day, from east to west, people of all races, all religions, all creeds will rise up and vote for a Bermuda that promotes fairness and justice for all.

They will compare the talent on either side and see that, the Progressive Labour Party represents the best and brightest hope for our country, our people and our future.

They will reject the nasty politics of fear and give the Progressive Labour Party the greatest victory in our history!

With your help and your vote we will ensure that the Future or Bermuda is bright.

Thanks for your support and remember — vote PLP… Solid, solid as the rock.