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UBP leader tables take note motion on loss of open spaces

United Bermuda Party leader Kim Swan has urged MPs to look at strategies to address the ‘critical issue’ of diminishing open space on the Island.Mr Swan said the environment and preservation of open spaces “is of great concern” and noted that every time he flies into Bermuda he notices more and more white roofs from overhead.He tabled a motion in the House of Assembly on Friday and encouraged MP’s to “take note of the diminished open spaces in Bermuda and resolve to develop strategies that will reverse the current trend”.He said active steps were needed “to ensure that future generations enjoy a greener Bermuda that is far more environmentally healthy”.Speaking to The Royal Gazette, he said individuals needed to be “very mindful” of continued growth and said “at the rate we are going there may come a time when future generations have no open space”.He said it was imperative to look at the issues and come up with strategies moving forwards as to how to better address it.Mr Swan said people in his St George’s West constituency enjoyed one of the most beautiful greenbelts on the Island at Ferry Reach.“I know how important that area is in terms of wildlife we might take for granted and peace of mind.“We have become an urban society and with it comes a different social mind set and it’s important we become focused on the subject and examine it.”He said there were consequences when a country continually depletes its green spaces and said: “There is a direct connection between the drought that we are experiencing and plethora of buildings that occupy a large percentage of our land mass.“There is also a correlation between how we treat the land and the surrounding oceans.“This motion is one that challenges us to look to the future and commit to strategies that will ensure our grandchildren will inherit a greener and healthy environment.“The health of the land and sea and quality of our air is dependent upon how we treat it now and if we can commit to caring and protecting it going forward.”